Butterfield Messages

Dear Butterfield Community,

This winter has been characterized with sub-freezing temps, weeks of inside recess, and lots of identification showing at the office. Here is some information about changes with the online payment for school lunch, some safety updates, upcoming events, and our lost and found.

Change in Online Payment for School Lunch:

The online website, PayPams, will only be available starting in May.  All online payments will then be made for free on your Skyward Family Access Account.  Some of the features of this new system include: deposit money with credit cards instantly and receive email notifications when lunch balance is getting low.  https://skystu.jordan.k12.ut.us  Once logged in, click on the Food Service link.  If you have any questions with this process, please contact the lunch clerk at the school 801-254-0737.

Safety Updates:

·         The front doors to the building are the only ones that will remain unlocked.  All adult traffic is funneled through the office (in/out).  If you wish to go enter the building during school hours to volunteer or attend an event, please have identification to show at check-in.  Please remind your other visiting family members such as the other parent and/or grandparents to have ID ready to show.  Thanks for coming in! Don’t forget to sign out at the office and return your visitor badge. 

·         We are keeping the portable doors locked and students have been instructed to only open the door to students and adults who have a visible ID indicating that they have already checked in at the office. 

·         If you plan to chaperone a field trip, you will need to pick up a form at the office to take to the district human resource department where you can be fingerprinted and have a background check done at no cost to the volunteer.  Anytime students have unsupervised access to students (working with students outside of the classroom or supervising a group of students on a field trip) you need to have undergone a background check. 

·         Some parents are parking on the wrong side of the road in the back of the school that requires students to jaywalk, putting themselves at risk.  Also, there are students that need to cross at that unattended crosswalk behind the school, so please be cautious and aware. 

·         Also, for safety we need to remind those entering the parking lot in the front of the school to actually park and walk their student(s) to the crosswalk.  Please do not use this as a drop off area.  Students walking unattended through the parking lot is unsafe and cars dropping off in the parking lot causes congestion to those parking in the parking lot.

·         If you have a special place where you park to pick up your student(s) after school, please be mindful of your surroundings.  Check to make sure that you are not blocking a driveway, too close to an intersection or causing any potential safety risks. 


Upcoming Events:

3/12 - Star Party for 6th graders and their families @ BCE 6:00-7:30 pm. (This date of this outdoor event is subject to change depending on the weather.  More details will be coming from the 6th grade teachers.)
3/20-3/21 – C & D track Parent/Teacher Conferences and Book Fair
3/28-4/1 – No School on Thu, Fri, and Mon. (Spring Break)
4/4 – Spring Pictures for those interested
4/18 – Spring Band Conference 5:30-7:00 pm.
5/1-5/8 – Staff Appreciation Week
5/9 – Choir Performance 6:30-7:30 pm.

Lost and Found:

Occasionally, our Lost and Found collection at the school becomes more than we have room to store.  Please be advised that our plan will be to set out lost and found items during parent teacher conference times.  After our semi-annual parent teacher conferences, we will donate remaining items to local charities.  We encourage you to somehow label their belongings. Also, know that lost and found items are typically kept in the hallway near the lunchroom and are available for retrieval on a daily basis.