Dear Parents,
There are many families that do not know the school policy for cold weather days. We want to give you that information so that you can plan with your student(s) what winter clothing is appropriate for which days.
24 degrees or warmer -- outside day
23 degrees or colder -- inside day
If there is bad weather inversion, or it if is raining heavily, there is also a chance of having an inside day. These days are decided by the administration, and may change several times throughout the day.

Be sure to send your student(s) with the appropriate winter wear each and every day. It's better to be prepared than left out in the cold, so send those hats and gloves! Plan ahead to keep your child warm.
For the safety of your child and the other children, please review the following restrictions: The students are not to be sliding on the ice. throwing snowballs, or rolling down the hills. We have already had student injuries due to these activities; therefore, disciplinary consequences will be in place if this behavior occurs.
Below you will find the Jordan District Policies for school closures...
Parents and employees should listen to these designated radio or television stations for school closure information between the hours of 6-8 am (if schools dismiss early, the media will air the announcement as soon as possible.)
AM Radio Stations:
KSL - 1160
TV Stations:
KSL - Channel 5
KUTV - Channel 2
KTVX Channel 4
Fox-News - Channel 13
Telephones will be used for emergencies. Therefore, parents are asked not to call the schools or the school district regarding school closures.
All announcements are for one day only.
No announcement means normal operation.
The Utah State Office of Education requires a minimum of 180 instructional days of school. Days lost because of inclement weather will be made up on the Washington and Lincoln Day recess (President's Day) and then during spring recess.