When: Monday, December 5th through Friday, December 9th
For more than 40 years, KSL's Quarters for Christmas campaign has helped provide shoes for needy children throughout Utah. Butterfield Canyon Elementary Student Council would like your support in making a difference in the lives of children who may be less fortunate than we. With your help, we can make it a reality!
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." Desmond Tutu
Theme: "Collecting change to make a CHANGE."
Monday: Pennies for Pumas
Tuesday: Nickels for Nikes
Wednesday: Dimes for DC
Thursday: Quarters for Christmas
Friday: All types of change to make a CHANGE!
*The class who collects the most change will receive a root beer float party.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!