- Be on the Citizenship Honor Roll (all E’s) in work and social skills
- Be on the Academic Honor Roll (all A’s)
- No more than 5 absences for the school year
- No more than 5 tardies for the school year
- No White Slips/Office Referrals
- Read 5 Newberry or other award/honor books.
- Write a summary and personal reaction for each and turn them in
- signed by a parent. Turn them in as completed, not all at once.
- Participate in the Reflections program
- Read 150 minutes per week for entire school year (off-track not counted)
- Research, prepare and present to the class a topic of choice from social studies or science curriculum (must have prior teacher approval)
- Publish a genre of writing (story, poetry)
- Complete lesson 30 and type at least 30 wpm in computer class (KBK)
- Receive the National or Presidential Fitness award
- Participate in the Spelling or Geography Bee at the school level
Choose one of the following
Be an active member of the Safety Patrol for the entire school year.
omplete a community service project that is at least 12 hours and a written report about the project. (Safety Patrol is at least 12 hours a year)
Participate in Choir and/or Band for the entire year