Serving on the School Community Council

Serving on our School Community Council (SCC) is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council decides how these funds will be used.  The council also reviews and prepares other academic and safety plans for our students each year.  All plans are reviewed for final approval by our school board. Councils also act in an advisory capacity to school and school district administrations.

Every public school in Utah has a School Community Council.  The councils are made up of school employees who are elected by employees and parents who are elected by parents of students attending the school.  Membership terms are for two years.  Elections are held at the beginning of each school year. Parent members must have a student attending the school during one of the first two years of their service.  Employees must be employed by the school district at the school.

Each student has or will receive a letter with a Candidate Form. We encourage parents who are interested in serving on the Butterfield Canyon SCC to fill out this form and return it to school. An election will be held the first week of October if more parents are interested in serving than space permits.

Our first SCC meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 25 at 6:00 pm in the Faculty Room at BCE. All are welcome to attend! Additional meetings throughout the school year will be scheduled that evening.

Current Butterfield Canyon School Community Council Members:
Nick Hansen, Principal  801-254-0737
Brandon Maulis, Teacher 801-254-0737
Joanne Frost, Teacher  801-254-0737
Heather Shay, Parent 801-253-2708

If you have any questions, please call Jodi Stewart-Browning, Asst.
Principal at (801) 254-0737.